Title : Lanang
Author : Yonathan Rahardjo
Editor : A. Fathoni
Publisher : Pustaka Alvabet
Year : 2008
Page : 440
Size : 12,5 X 20 cm
Dewi was a holder of doctorate who worked as a henchman of foreign corporation. She had a duty for supplying genetic engineer product from foreign country. She created transgenic animal that was able to spread the virus of disease named wild boar bird or Burung Babi Hutan. Since appearing of this peculiar animal, the area of dairy cow where Lanang worked suddenly attacked by the mysterious disease. Lanang was a clever veterinarian. With the government and the society, they tried to find out the cause of the dairy cow’s death. He had made some researches, but he still failed to solve it. When he had been out of ideas, an animal shaman declared his statement that the cow’s of the dairy cow’s death was an animal with supernatural powers which was called Burung Babi Hutan. Traditional mysticism polemic versus modern biotechnology made the problem become hard to be solved.
Reading this novel is like watching a movie. The plot of the story is very surprising. This story vividly tells about disagreement, deception, religion, spiritual, accident, prostitution and sex. There is a psychological conflict among the characters that is appeared deeply and presented like real. Honestly, I have already known that Marah Rusli, Taufik Ismail and Asrul Sani are animal veterinarian. Same like Yonathan Rahardjo, behind their skills in animal medical, they also have skill in writing many interesting novels. I think that is an impressive thing. An animal veterinarian who dominates the scientific language can also dominate poetic language. Apparently scientists also can be romantic person. I think Lanang is an interesting reading.
The story of Lanang represented psychological and spiritual condition of