Blogs, wikis and podcasts
· Blogs in language teaching
Blog is essentially a web page with regular diary or journal entries. Blogs used in education is known as edublogs. Edublogs cover a wide range of topics related to education, from musings on educational policy and developments to learner composition. An edublog can be set up by a teacher, by individual learners or by a class. A teacher may decide to use a blog to provide their learners with news and comments on issues, extra reading practice or homework, online links, a summary of a class for learners who were unable to attend, study tips and so on.
A blog set up and maintained by a teacher is known as a tutor blog. The teacher may decide to allow their learners to write comments in the blog. A teacher may encourage their learners to each set up and maintain their own individual blog. These are known as student blogs. Learners can be ask to to post to their blogs, once or twice a week, or however the teacher judges convenient, and content can range from comment on current affair to description of daily activities.
· Wikis in language teaching
Wiki is a collaborative web space, consisting of a number of pages that can be edited by any user. A wiki is like a public website, or public web page, started by one person, but which subsequent visitor can add to, delete or change as they wish. A wiki lends itself especially well to collaborative writing. The mechanic of using a wiki are relatively simple: learners can add new pages to a wiki, as well as edit to a previous pages.
· Podcasts in language teaching
Podcast is an audio and /or video file that that is broadcast via the Internet and can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device such as an MP3 player for listening/viewing. There are two main uses of podcasts in teaching. Firstly learner can listen to podcasts made by other hand, secondly, they can produce their own podcasts.
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